Maximo Application Suite - Why a Managed Cloud Solution Makes Sense Now More than Ever

Mary Speed, Projetech
May 23, 2022


  • Projetech's Maximo as a Service (MaaS) allows clients to focus on their core business instead of managing technology solutions.
  • Migrating to Maximo Application Suite (MAS) requires significant investments in hardware, security, training, and hiring.
  • Projetech offers MAS as a cloud solution, providing stability, scalability, and cost savings.
  • Cloud solutions have lower total cost of ownership compared to on-premise implementations.
  • Projetech's cloud solution allows for smooth technical upgrades and handles license entitlement conversions.

Projetech’s clients take advantage of our cloud solution, Maximo as a Service (MaaS), to free them to focus their limited human and capital resources on running their core business and away from running technology solutions. The business case for migrating to a cloud solution becomes even more compelling if your company is planning a move from Maximo to Maximo Application Suite (MAS).

Maximo Application Suite (MAS) presents a point in time investment choice

Much of the infrastructure and technical skills used to run Maximo are rendered obsolete with MAS. Companies with on-premise Maximo systems will need to invest in new hardware, security, databases, training, and hiring to migrate from Maximo to MAS. Additionally, those companies will need to invest in technologies like container-based architecture, OpenShift, Kafka, MongoDB, and others. These investments can come with a heavy capital cost outlay and extended timeline to upskill staff.



Alternatively, companies can turn to Projetech, a Maximo cloud solutions provider, to provide MAS as a service in a stable, secure and scalable solution managed by qualified resources. We offer MaaS on a subscription basis, where companies use and pay for what they need. Using a cloud provider also protects companies from needing to invest in new technologies as the MAS product evolves and is the least disruptive path for organizations to absorb the future changes and investments that accompany the migration to MAS.

Investing in a MAS cloud solution compares favorably to on-premise

Projetech’s core business is running Maximo technology solutions. We continually reinvest in technology and human resources to provide a secure and stable MAS environment and to provide excellent customer service. For companies with on-premise systems, the cost and time investments spent upgrading and improving Maximo must compete against capital funding and hiring initiatives in the core business.

Projetech’s Maximo as a Service solution for MAS takes advantage of economies of scale by running multiple clients on shared infrastructure while providing each client with their own database and instance of Maximo. In contrast, on-premise MAS implementations are dedicated instances, resulting in higher cost. Total cost of ownership when including infrastructure, security, software, Maximo licensing and staffing can be lower with a cloud service. This difference in cost of ownership is even greater for clients choosing to implement MAS Applications such as Monitor, Predict or Health in addition to the primary MAS Manage Application.

Projetech uses a repetitive, automated and proven technical upgrade process that results in smooth technical upgrades for clients in our cloud. Projetech leverages our R&D investment for the benefit of all of our clients. On-premise companies typically need to develop “one-and-done” processes and automation to perform upgrades. As a result, on-premise companies bear the total R&D cost burden and do not enjoy the advantages of automation and processes that have been proven over the course of many upgrades.

Projetech can take care of converting license entitlements from Maximo user-based licensing to MAS AppPoints on an annual subscription basis as part of our MaaS solution. Companies maintaining an on-premise system must procure new MAS AppPoint license entitlements. This entails a one-time fee to convert existing Maximo user licenses to MAS AppPoints along with a new S&S or subscription fee.

Projetech maintains licensing expertise to ensure we have an in-depth understanding of all the new rules for MAS AppPoints, and we monitor compliance for our clients. When license entitlements are included in Projetech’s MaaS solution, we are accountable to answer to MAS license compliance audits. By contrast, on-premise companies will need to ramp up resources to understand licensing complexities and defend their MAS license compliance at audit time.

When to make the move to the cloud?

A move to the cloud can happen at any time. There are advantages to move to the cloud before migrating to MAS, but they can be done as one event if desired. 

The advantage of separately moving Maximo to the cloud before migrating to the MAS Manage Application is that we can manage this as two isolated change events with separate controlled user acceptance test cycles. Change for end-users occurs over two separate events and therefore can be the least disruptive path for organizations to absorb the changes that come with MAS. 



Many clients take advantage of Projetech’s proprietary “Lift and Shift” methodology to move an existing Maximo instance to the cloud. After this move, the only change users experience is a new URL to access Maximo. We can then schedule a second event to migrate to MAS Manage Application using Projetech’s proprietary tooling. This provides a more seamless migration given the pre- and post-migration instances are within the same cloud. After this second event, the primary change users will experience is a new MAS Manage user interface.

Should a client wish to move to Projetech’s cloud and migrate to MAS at the same time, we will break the activity into two steps - first the move to cloud and then the migration to the MAS Manage Application. While user acceptance testing will occur after each step, there will only be one move to production at the end of both steps. In this scenario, end-users will experience both a new URL and the new MAS Manage user interface at the same time.

To learn more, please contact us about moving your Maximo system to Projetech’s Maximo as a Service solution and migrating to MAS.

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Mary Speed, Projetech
May 23, 2022
Maximo Application Suite

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